Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When if Rains it Pours

This is going to be another one of those mish-mash posts because it's been raining like crazy for the last week or so and I haven't been in the garden.  Honestly, it hasn't changed much, except for being hideously overgrown and soon I'll have a lot of work to do to whack back the jungle!  I never appreciate a blog that strays too far from it's original idea and I apologize, but I do consider the creatures and wildflowers to be part of my garden.

I've found the Beauty Berries are living up to their name and are wonderfully abundant in the area.  I really want to get some for the yard as the birds like them and they're so pretty.  I'm not sure I've got the perfect place for it, but I'm giving it some thought.

I found these delicate pink wildflowers in the preserve that backs up to our backyard.  I had the name written down last year, but now I've misplaced it.  I'm trying to educate myself on the local wildflowers and I really need to put all my info in one place!

Here's another pretty wildflower from out back.  Also, to which I have misplaced the name ... *sigh*

Well, I know this is a Buckeye Butterfly on a truly adorable little white wildflower.

I caught this Gulf Frit coming in for a landing.

Here's a fly on a leaf.  I'm loving the green color a lot!

I have a hard time getting photos of Dragonflies as they seem to blend in too well with their background environments.  This poor guy is missing a wing - maybe he escaped from a bird attack.

Speaking of green, I found this beautiful pattern on the trunk of a palm tree in the yard.

I mentioned in a previous post I hadn't a photo of the juvenile Red-Bellied Woodpeckers that visit my yard every day.  I think I finally got one - I'm a bit juvie challenged, so I won't say for sure, but I'm fairly sure.  The female has some red on her head, the male has quite a lot of red on his head and the juvies don't have any red.  And yes, what a wonder that they're called red bellied when the red is on their heads!

Here's a shot of the male taken as the sun was setting.  I think the soft evening light is so lovely!

The Brown Thrasher has been hanging around the backyard a lot lately.  He says "Thack, Thack".

And the Carolina Wren has been singing - I finally got a pic, although not my best by far.

I'll wrap this up with this cute little guy that was teeny-tiny and hopping through the grass.  He stopped to say "Hi" and  I couldn't resist taking his picture!

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